Housing Helpers, Inc. (HH) is a Village of Maywood, IL non-profit housing rehabilitation and advocacy organization with a strategic and sustainable plan focused on the recovery and stabilization of Maywood's single-family housing stock. Through the generosity of its partners, HH is able to acquire vacant and abandoned properties that are a blight to their neighborhoods. These often vandalized houses are brought back to life through thoughtful renovation to become an asset to the block, setting standards for quality and property values. HH’s rehab goal is to repair or replace all the major mechanicals leaving each house as energy efficient as the project budget will allow, while eliminating major expenditures for the next ten years. Actualizing these goals is what makes a home truly affordable to working families. Once the home’s beauty is restored, HH sells the house to a family that meets its low to moderate income requirements.
To date we have returned market value to 39 single family homes!
That's an average of $234,000 in restored property tax generation per year for our Village!